Bromhund Hide N Seek „Heidi” - 1st degree diploma, 95/100 points and 3/15 placed. I’m so proud of her Marek thank you for your help and support
CACIB Leszno
Ursulla by Atria Cordis „Nana”- 1/8 ex, CAC, CACIB , BOB and BEST OF GROUP Bromhund Hide N Seek „Heidi”- 1/4 ex, CAC, resCACIB Sweety Pie by Atria Cordis „Róża”- 1/5 ex junior , Junior Winner , Best Junior in Breed, new Junior Champion of Poland Sunshine Reggae by Atria Cordis „Reggae”- 1/2 ex junior, Junior Winner, new Junior Champion of Poland Judge: Adam Stasiak Handling: Martyna Nowak, Dominika Wiśniewska
Wawrzykowizna Dog Show
Bromhund Hide N Seek „ Heidi” - ex1, CAC, Best of Breed and Best of Group III!!!!!!!
Słupsk Dog Show
Whells on Fire by Atria Cordis „Dakar” - ex1, CAC, Best of Breed, BEST OF GROUP !!! Sunshine Reggae by Atria Cordis „Reggae” - ex1, JCAC, Best Junior in Breed, Best In Show Junior 3!!!!!
Wonderful results at CAC Gorzów
Sunshine Reggae by Atria Cordis - ex 1/2, Junior Winner, Best Junior in Breed and resBEST IN SHOW JUNIOR Sweety Pie by Atria Cordis - ex 1/6, Junior Winner Ursulla by Atria Cordis - ex 1/3 open class, CAC, BOS and new Champion of Poland Judge: Piotr Król BIS Judge : Andrzej Stępiński Handling : Dominika Wiśniewska, Martyna Nowak Photo of our Reggae by Krystian Przysiecki Thank you so much
3x CACIB Druskininkai
It was extremely hot weekend but we did it!!!! Bromhund Hide N Seek "HEIDI" - 3xCAC, resCACIB=CACIB, new Champion of Lithuania
Welcome new litter
19th June, Tola gave us 12 pups, 6 boys and 6 girls Ad by Aleksandra Janik
New Litter
Atria Cordis together with Bory Cysterskie would like to announce a new litter with just amazing pedigree Puppies will be born at the beginning of July Thank you Aleksandra Janik for beautiful adverticement
BEST IN SHOW PUPPY for Reggae in Lubin
Sunshine Reggae by Atria Cordis "Reggae" - vp.1/2 , Best Puppy in Breed and Best In Show Puppy !!!! Judge: Dorota Witkowska BIS Puppy : Iuza Beradze handler: Martyna Nowak
Another Great Show in Brodnica
Sunshine Reggae by Atria Cordis "Reggae" - vp. 1/3, Best Puppy in Breed, resBEST IN SHOW PUPPY !!!! Breed Judge: Boris Spoljaric BIS Puppy: Piotr Król
The new season has begun.!
CAC Gdynia: Sunshine Reggae by Atria Cordis "Reggae" - 1/3 vp, Best Puppy in Breed <3 judge : David Connolly